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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Over one billion computers in use worldwide

How many computers do you use on a regular basis? Maybe you’re a super geek with three or four, or perhaps you’re a bit more conservative with your one laptop. Either way, you’re contributing to a pretty huge number as we have just surpassed the one billion mark. That’s how many computers are now being used around the world, according to the Gartner group.

Their study shows the first 58% of these computers came in the form of enterprise machines, including the millions found in offices around the world. Not surprisingly, this trend is decreasing with a more mobile workforce and many workers simply bringing their own computers to work.

The news does come with a sobering end-note, however. While many people are using the proper channels when disposing of their old computers, some are still simply chucking them in the garbage, an incredible toxic disaster. Gartner analyst Meike Escherich had this to say:

It will become an even more pressing issue, especially in emerging markets, as the number of retired PCs grows with the continuing expansion of the PC installed base.

Computer design isn’t going to get significantly more green-friendly any time soon, so the answer must be to teach consumers more thoroughly before they buy a new rig. Mother Earth will thank you for putting your old machine into a recycling program


  1. Are these stats and figures for real this time?

  2. HAHAHA they might be even though they sound false but I would believe them
